Dead Register ‎– Fiber LP 2017

Dead Register ‎– Fiber LP 2017

Forged within the Do It Yourself and hard work ethos, Atlanta’s DEAD REGISTER have accomplished a never-before dreamt blend of Dead Can Dance, Godflesh, Swans, Isis and Fields Of The Nephilim. Yet managing to sound unique and sublime, a delicatessen craft of their own.

There is a surrealist, triumphant, transcendental darkness buried deep in these glorious songs that nobody I’ve heard in the style in recent years can quite touch for me.” – Teeth of the Divine

“[Fiber] is a one of a kind record and utterly compelling.” – The Sludgelord

“Syrupy and morose, Dead Register embody a great deal of what’s best about the gothic doom style, but express those ideas in an atmospheric sludge context.” – (Editor’s Choice April 2016) Invisible Oranges

“[The Fiber] music video increases the song’s power, giving this reviewer both chills and making her overwhelmingly excited for this sound to exist.” – (5/5) Music Existence

“It has been a while since a debut album has grabbed me by the throat and dared me not to love it. Atlanta trio, ‘Dead Register’ have released such an album, a goth-tinged rock album that has had way too much airplay in my lugholes!” – (4.5/5) Rock n’ Reel Reviews

“Fiber is a world of light and shadow. It’s lavish and wild and absurd. Fiber boasts a dark mood that you feel helpless to escape from, should you want to escape. I for one did not want to escape the clutches of Fiber.” – The Kali Diaries

“Fiber is a six-track journey of doom and gloom, yet there is an artistic beauty that demands your full attention” – (9/10) Powerplay Magazine UK

Price: 15.00 €
