Elusive Italian mystical death metal conjurors Hadit return after six years of silence with their long-awaited debut full-length album "With Joy and Ardour Through the Incommensurable Path", an obfuscating spell of dark cosmological death metal destruction shrouded in crushing dissonance, otherworldly atmospheres, and an aura of profound mysticism and esotericism.
With death metal ritualized and used almost as an aural rite of passage to a higher order, on the devastating new opus the recluse Italian duo explore concepts pertaining to time, cyclicality, fatality, and to death as the true engine and ultimate motivator of life, and submit to the symbolism of chaos to access the higher knowledge and order which comes through it.
Inspired by ancient black and death metal forces like Inquisition, Incantation, Morbid Angel, Immolation, and Archgoat as well as by occult scriptures found in ancient monotheistic doctrines and theology, "With Joy and Ardour Through the Incommensurable Path" is a supernatural extreme metal crucible that plumbs the darkest depths of sonic ruin and of deviant arcane esotericism to harness the primordial order from chaos and the inaccessible truths on mankind's true nature and existence that it harbors.
Price: 16.00 €